

Monday, May 19, 2014

October 27, 1926

My dear Dot:

Gee! it was good news to hear that you are planning the trip here for the big game. I was almost sure that you would come if you could, but I hardly dared let myself be confident of your coming. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, so that nothing will interfere now, to hold you back.

I was sorry to have to decline your invitation for last Sunday. I had hoped to be able to leave after the game on Saturday, but on Saturday morning received a call from my partner, with whom I am planning some accounting work, that indicated we were needed on Sunday for a statement, which could not be delayed. So, I was stuck here working, when I should have been making love to you. Some disappointment!

I hoped that the roses would please you. I did not know if nice ones would be sent, but your note indicates they were satisfactory. I should have liked to have been with you at M.P. on Sunday. But Bob and K. might have felt too many makes a crowd. (Who cares, if I could have seen you?)

You must not flatter me too much, young lady, or I'll be more conceited than I am. You have been telling me how much I deserve success, when its not true. I've been blessed with parents who have made life rather easy for me; and with friends who have helped a lot. So that my own efforts have been almost negligible.  It by no means follows that this bed of roses will continue indefinitely. I am willing to work for any success that may come. It is amazing, however, how little a young lawyer knows, when he is faced with actual cases, and proceedings in them. Its a new school of a practical kind that I'm now attending.

This temporary location, though pleasant, is one having some discouraging features. Not being settled, I cannot send out announcements of my location, inviting business. Those of my friends who know I am here, are beginning to identify me with this firm, which makes it imperative that I get the news to them when my attachment here is done. Anything which might come to me here, I feel would be the firm's, for the usual arrangement here is salary plus commission. I do not feel like handing out cards now with this firm's name on them, for anyone who might come in, failing to find me, might deal with anyone in the office. But I am getting a little new experience, and forming new acquaintances, which is something.

If you were wishing for me, I can no less say that I have been wanting you. Its been a strange experience, to have seen you so few times, and yet to have arrived at such a satisfying position in your eyes. I'm hoping that you will always think well of me, and that I can always merit your admiration and respect.

I am looking forward to seeing you and holding you, on about the 12th.


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