

Thursday, July 30, 2015

March 10, 1927


Monday I received an announcement of York Council & Dinner Dance which is to be held March 17, next Thursday. I have reserved two places one of which is yours. Can you sell out and get here for that affair? Can Bob & K, or Russ & Sue or both come, too? If they can, I can make reservations for them up to March 14. You said once, you'd never turn down a chance to come to Cols. - so I'm expecting you.

Have you written to Ross about April 8?  We'd better get arrangements made or we'll have to go to Louisville yet. I don't care, but I'd like Mother V. to be pleased.

I'm still loving you so much that I wonder always how long it will be. The time does not move rapidly enough to suit me. Please try to come down if you can. I want you so badly, and I'm happiest when I hold you in my arms. Are you still in love with me? If so, why? Put cross in circle and - no wait, this is not a questionnaire.

Dad went to the doctor on Tuesday. He tells me he is close to a nervous breakdown. He has given him medicine and it seems to help him. He'll go back on Saturday Mother is O.K. She's attending a women's meeting at the church today.

Yesterday I investigated an accident in Zanesville. I had to go out to a coal mine on the Adamsville Road. Believe me  when I thought of Adamsville, I thought of Dottie - 'cause that's where you were the first time I came to see you. Remember?

Tonight I'm to attend a chapter meeting where Homer receives his final degree in the chapter work.

I have not had a chance yet to tell Mother of our honeymoon plans, but a complication has arisen. The folks would like Aunt Jo to be present at the wedding (for that matter as would I). She would of course visit with the folks for a few days, and I suppose they'd want to come right back. We'll work something out though, won't we?

Be a good girl and sell that store right away, won't you?  Then you'll be free to come down next week. You must realize, too, that time is short, if you want to get here for a few weeks. Please, pretty please, sell!

If I loved you any more than I do, I'd break your ribs squeezing you. You are the most beautiful, the most precious girl in the world. I would not trade you for a thousand. I must have you, and soon.

Always my sweetheart, Dot, is what I want you to be. I need your help, your counsel, and your confidence to make good. I'm going to be so proud to say, "I'd like you to meet my wife".

I love you

Monday, July 13, 2015

March 2, 1927

My dear girl,

April 8 or any earlier date you choose will suit me perfectly. When I think about the foolish choice you have made though, I wonder if April 1 would not be better (Joke). I do not regret the loss of my "freedom", for there is a compensation in some form or other for that. If I lose my freedom, I gain you, and that's far more than an even trade.

Have you heard from Ira Spenney? It has been more than a week since I wrote him, and I have had no acknowledgement or indication that he sent the rings to you. Perhaps you, too, had better write. I'd rather hate to have the same thing occur that did at Christmas.

Convince Mother V. that no big affair is necessary or desired. Keep up your courage and dpon't back out at the last minute - cause I'll spank you if you do. It's very nice of Ross to make the trip - and we must of course see that he is not inconvenienced too much. You said nothing about the trunks etc. Do you want me to bring any of Homer's or my equipment?

And will you love me when I'm fat? And gray? You may have to, unless you desire to put me on a diet. Not that I've put on any weight, but dad and grandad have been a little heavy - so you can never tell.

Are you coming for the basketball tournament and for the dance on the 9th? I hope so, you bet. My sweetheart, it has been long between glimpses of you - and it's still a long time until April when I can call you mine - really mine. But you are worth waiting for. When a girl like my Dot falls for me - m-m-m- but I'm proud. I love you, dear, and I'm so happy to have won you.
