

Monday, August 31, 2015

April 3, 1927


This darned gang expects to read my letter to you, but of course they won’t/. And the rule is established that no one reads the other’s note. I wonder what sort of silly chatter they’ll write to you.

I’m not a bit nervous – ad if I don’t hear from you to the contrary, I’ll be in Lima Weds night at about 7:30 your time. If you decide not to come over until Thurs a.m. let me know and I’ll come thru to M.P. (That is if you’re still willing to marry me.)

Whitie has succeeded in spreading the news all over the church, and this morning, I was the object of a great many smiles etc, not to say, a good deal of kidding. Ann and Homer refuse to participate in any kidding match, but I expect a lot from other sources.

Dad has decided that you and I will come back to Cincinnati on Friday night, there to stay until Sun afternoon, and then return with them.  I have said that we’d do that, to keep him quiet, but I intend that we’ll do what we have planned. When we leave Louisville, it will be with the understanding that we’ll meet Dad and Mother in Cinty, but Mother understands that we’ll come.

I have decided that the 11:05 a.m. train our of Lima will be best, unless you’d rather take a night train.

I told Mr. Knepper that I’d do the deed this week unless he objected, but he seemed reluctant to offer any objections, so there’s apparently no excuse open to me.

I am not looking for excuses though – I’m too tickled to think that I’m to have you as my wife. I love you my sweetheart, and I want to prove that to you. I feel as proud as a peacock. I still smile when questioned and say “Easter or before” but that gag don’t work very much since Dad has told the story.

Hobo and 3 girls (and one of the girls’ mother) were here last night for supper. It was the old social committee of the Young People’s Society. By the way, I have been asked to run for the presidency of the Baptist Young People of Columbus. I said I’d run, but wouldn’t devote much time to them. And the Sunday School class is about to materialize, apparently. So it looks like the busy season.

But you can be assured I’m devoting a full share of my time to my wife – that’s you – YOU. If it’s all the same to you, I’ll take a kiss before each meal, and some extras, too.  Be sweet until I see you, Weds night. I love you.


Dear Dot

The Lord pity you! Married life is heck!
Sister, Dot, life is what you make it. Start out like you intend to end it.  Don’t start anything you can’t finish!

Here’s to you. Call me next Sunday night if you want any corn meal mush!

Love “Ann”

Dear Dot:

Don’t tell Andy I’m writing you because he might be jealous. He is so busy flirting with my wife that he does not know I’m writing.

We are at the White’s tonight to see the old kid for the last time before your claims on him become prior.

Congratulations and best wishes for your happiness. Will see you at our house next Sunday night

Your brother-in-law

This is station D.A.D. broadcasting. The next song on the program will be The Wedding March by Mendelssohn.  Here comes the Bride – can’t wait. See you [unreadable] Friday morning.

Dad White

My dear girl,

The children came in this evening and we are all waiting for you. Have been talking of you quite a bit and wish you were with us. Have all plans made and will see you Friday morning. Hope we have real nice weather from now on. Love to all and a lot for yourself.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

March 30, 1927

My dear Sweetheart:

I never want to stop calling you that, but before long, if I’m called on to write you letters, I want to say, “my dear wife”. The time is growing short, but not speedily enough for me, does April 8 come round. Mr. and Mrs. Allen were out last night, and Chubby illustrated how each day meant one more day of freedom cut off – but even that does not discourage me. I know that I’ll enjoy you as “boss”.

I have been told that it will not be surprising to find myself in the “lake” next door, one of these fine nights, after a “belling”.  If that comes, too, I’ll have to endure it (unless you are able to protect me). Mrs. Young said last night that she has your job picked out – that you are to help her wait table at the dance. Of course you would marry me, so you have let yourself in for that.

I don’t envy you the experience of having a dozen girls come in to surprise you, though it is nice to realize that you have such good friends. Mother Veach was so pleased that the girls were coming that she fairly bubbled over with pleasure. (Really I began to fear that she’d tell you inadvertently).

We have hung your dresses in the cedar closet, and when guests run in, we eagerly drag them to the second floor to show that we expect a girl in the house. Everybody likes your rug, and the more times I unroll it to show it, the better looking I think it is.

Dot, I know we’re going to make a go of it. I have vowed myself that I’ll never by word or act do anything to make you regret having married me. I want you to always be happy in our home, and I am willing to go more than half way to see that you are content. There is no assurance that we’ll ever be anything but ordinary working folk, but there is every reason to believe that we can content ourselves with what we have. Once again I want to assure you that your happiness is the most important thing in life for me.

I’m coming to claim you next week, and then you’ll know that I mean it when I say, “you must be happy”.

I hope K was able to enjoy the surprise on Monday eve. I wish there wered some way of settling things for her and Bob.[1] Give them and mother my love, but save a big share of it for yourself.


[1] Dottie's brother Bob and his intended, Kathleen, were engaged for sixty-plus years, but never married, because "she wouldn't move to the farm and he wouldn't move to town."

Saturday, August 8, 2015

March 20, 1927

My dear Sweetheart,

Mother's note explains itself. I was very much disappointed that things would not be ready when you came. But mother felt that you were acquiescing in the suite at Charlie's place, mainly because you wanted to be agreeable. I hope that you haven't done that. I'll go along next time, and judge for myself whether or not you are really pleased. Mother was dissatisfied because Charlie could offer no choice; and she thinks a lot of the Dustproof feature. She also thought that you'd enjoy another shopping trip - so tho things won't be ready, I hope you'll not feel too badly.

It was great to have you with us again - a grand and glorious feelin' to have you greet me on my return from the office - a wonderful taste of the good things in store for me when you're mine. Everybody seems to be as much in love with you as I am. Some have warned me that I'll have my hands full, and that I'll have to toe the mark pretty well, to wed the good looking girl I've succeeded in fooling so badly. It wasn't right that you had to go so soon. By every right I should have you in my arms at this very minute.

Yesterday, last night and today we had several hard rains. The lake next door is way up. The creek is within a few feet of the top of its banks. Dada predicts floods.  These week end rains are becoming a little monotonous - but I don't let them worry me too much.  One really can enjoy wet weather, I've found.

Another death pretty close to the office on Saturday a.m. Miss Macklin, wife of one of the firm's best clients died in Cinti. When I left you Friday I went to the funeral, then back to the office for a few minutes. Wheile there I received an accident report which said that the little son of a very good friend had been run down by an auto. I went to the home and found that the boy is not badly hurt. He has a gash in his chin which will probably become a scar, however. I can tell you that the parents are glad that they still have their boy.

It's wonderful how little kiddies tie a family together. The satisfaction a father and mother must have in guiding the little fellows along the way must be a recompense for the mother's suffering.

Mother and Dad are now writing to Claude and Laura. I wondered if you saw Helen, and got back O.K. And if the store is now off your hands for good.

I expect to see you Saturday, if nothing happens between now and then. But the folks insist that I start back Sunday evening. So plan things that way. I do not want to take Monday from the office - because in just a couple of weeks I'll want Thurs, Fri and Sat at least, won't I.

Tonight I'd like to be with you - to tuck you in and whisper, "I love you, sweet." But you know I love you, and want you, and that April 8 cannot come too soon for


Thursday, July 30, 2015

March 10, 1927


Monday I received an announcement of York Council & Dinner Dance which is to be held March 17, next Thursday. I have reserved two places one of which is yours. Can you sell out and get here for that affair? Can Bob & K, or Russ & Sue or both come, too? If they can, I can make reservations for them up to March 14. You said once, you'd never turn down a chance to come to Cols. - so I'm expecting you.

Have you written to Ross about April 8?  We'd better get arrangements made or we'll have to go to Louisville yet. I don't care, but I'd like Mother V. to be pleased.

I'm still loving you so much that I wonder always how long it will be. The time does not move rapidly enough to suit me. Please try to come down if you can. I want you so badly, and I'm happiest when I hold you in my arms. Are you still in love with me? If so, why? Put cross in circle and - no wait, this is not a questionnaire.

Dad went to the doctor on Tuesday. He tells me he is close to a nervous breakdown. He has given him medicine and it seems to help him. He'll go back on Saturday Mother is O.K. She's attending a women's meeting at the church today.

Yesterday I investigated an accident in Zanesville. I had to go out to a coal mine on the Adamsville Road. Believe me  when I thought of Adamsville, I thought of Dottie - 'cause that's where you were the first time I came to see you. Remember?

Tonight I'm to attend a chapter meeting where Homer receives his final degree in the chapter work.

I have not had a chance yet to tell Mother of our honeymoon plans, but a complication has arisen. The folks would like Aunt Jo to be present at the wedding (for that matter as would I). She would of course visit with the folks for a few days, and I suppose they'd want to come right back. We'll work something out though, won't we?

Be a good girl and sell that store right away, won't you?  Then you'll be free to come down next week. You must realize, too, that time is short, if you want to get here for a few weeks. Please, pretty please, sell!

If I loved you any more than I do, I'd break your ribs squeezing you. You are the most beautiful, the most precious girl in the world. I would not trade you for a thousand. I must have you, and soon.

Always my sweetheart, Dot, is what I want you to be. I need your help, your counsel, and your confidence to make good. I'm going to be so proud to say, "I'd like you to meet my wife".

I love you

Monday, July 13, 2015

March 2, 1927

My dear girl,

April 8 or any earlier date you choose will suit me perfectly. When I think about the foolish choice you have made though, I wonder if April 1 would not be better (Joke). I do not regret the loss of my "freedom", for there is a compensation in some form or other for that. If I lose my freedom, I gain you, and that's far more than an even trade.

Have you heard from Ira Spenney? It has been more than a week since I wrote him, and I have had no acknowledgement or indication that he sent the rings to you. Perhaps you, too, had better write. I'd rather hate to have the same thing occur that did at Christmas.

Convince Mother V. that no big affair is necessary or desired. Keep up your courage and dpon't back out at the last minute - cause I'll spank you if you do. It's very nice of Ross to make the trip - and we must of course see that he is not inconvenienced too much. You said nothing about the trunks etc. Do you want me to bring any of Homer's or my equipment?

And will you love me when I'm fat? And gray? You may have to, unless you desire to put me on a diet. Not that I've put on any weight, but dad and grandad have been a little heavy - so you can never tell.

Are you coming for the basketball tournament and for the dance on the 9th? I hope so, you bet. My sweetheart, it has been long between glimpses of you - and it's still a long time until April when I can call you mine - really mine. But you are worth waiting for. When a girl like my Dot falls for me - m-m-m- but I'm proud. I love you, dear, and I'm so happy to have won you.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

February 27, 1927

My own,

How long - how long? Another Sunday evening service with all the young couples arrayed - and I alone - and you alone!  I think I'll ask Congress to pass a a\law making Easter come on the first Sunday of March. Something will have to be done.

Yesterday, a young chap from Cinti - now a student at Miami came in and we had him until this afternoon. He's a boy who lived in the same house with us 15 or 16 years ago. He's 22 now and a dandy young fellow. (And he has a Dotty, too, but as I remember her, not nearly so nice as mine.) I took him to a picture show last night - and it was the same thing over again - couples everywhere. Don't it make one lonesome?

Homer took ill yesterday A.M. and was suffering terribly - acute gastritis - in the afternoon; I went up at about 2:30 and stayed until 5:30 when he was resting pretty easily; today he was up and pretty well over his attack.

He has two small trunks and one of the overseas trunks. He also has two large suitcases, really sample cases, which will hold together more than a small trunk.  Any or all of these we can have for the asking. So if you'd like me to bring some of them - I'll get them.

I find it hard to write how I feel about my sweetheart. Just to say "I love you" is a repetition which though trite, covers the subject. There's so much I feel I'd like to say, and yet when I'm with you, it's enough, it seems, just to hold you in my arms, to realize that my good fortune is real. I wonder why we never actually met sooner, and then I wonder how we both were willing to work so fast. I'm not sorry, Sweetheart, I'm too glad to get you to spend much time thinking about whys and wherefores. You have been in my eyes everything that is beautiful and good and desirable. When you said you'd trust your life to me, you gave me something to live for, work for, do for. I didn't know how much a girl could mean in a chap's life until you said "yes". When you could show your confidence in me that much, it meant to me that I must always deserve that confidence. I'm always thinking, "She must never regret her choice." God willing, I'll be a good husband to my Dot.

My dearest one, the time is growing short. If you plan on being home for a week or two, soon you must give up the store. I'd like for the last week before our marriage to be one of rest for you as much as is possible. You deserve and need a few days. As sure as you don't take the opportunity to rest then,  I'll put you to bed and keep you there when I get you.

Has the lumbago completely left, and are you feeling O.K.? We're all rather worried about your continuing in the drafts at the store. I want you to take care of yourself. God bless you and keep you and send you to me soon, my little wife.


We're not forgetting the 11 & 12 of March. Are you planning a visit still?  Can you come on the 9th? Capital City Lodge has a dance to which we have been invited. I'm sure Russ and Sue would be welcomed, too - can't you all come a little early for the tournament? I love you - A