

Friday, May 23, 2014

November 18, 1926

My sweetheart,

You have come and gone, leaving behind for me only the memory of your visit. No, that's not all.  For haven't I your assurances that you care? More than ever. I am certain that you are "the only girl". More will I try to deserve your respect and your love. I had you to myself for a time that was only too short, yet I am afraid that I did not entertain you as I might have. Perhaps I tried more to please myself, than you. I hope that you do not regret the days you spent here. Shall we say that next time will be a better time?

Fast workers tho we may be, I haven't the slightest desire to turn back. I am wanting to know you better, to get closer to you, to make you feel that only together can we be happy. But you deserve he best; may you never have occasion to think you have picked a "mutt". I am already planning on when we can again be together. I feel it must be sooner than the weeks which elapsed last time. Its not fair for Bob & K. to have a nightly siesta, and we see each other only once in six weeks. I'm scheming - shhh!

You will have received the Song Book by this time, I hope. You'll like it, I know. It is my suggestion that Russ learn the Ohio State songs, and be required to sing them from the steps of the City Hall or some equally conspicuous place. The big bum ought to be deported for treasonable talk. Next year -

I bought a new hat. It is roll brim, but a gray. Mother is not satisfied exactly, but I like it. You'll have to accompany me to get another, my next trip to Lima. The salesman insists this is my style hat, and advised against snap brim. But we'll let you decide one of these fine Saturdays. (Will you?)

The builders this A.M. said we can move by the end of the month. Won't that be great? I'm especially watching "our" room, which pleases me very much. I wish I could share it with you from the start, but we ought to be practical, oughtn't we? It wouldn't be fair to ask you to share in the first struggles of a baby lawyer. It helps to know that you're waiting. Are you undergoing more kidding about your stay here, and the pin? Proud I am, that you'll wear it for me, and eager I am to seal that bargain in another way. I may sometime, mayn't I?

My girl made her usual hot with my folks. Both Dad and Mother seem as much in love with you as I am, if that is possible. We'll claim you one of these days, and we'll expect a clear release from the Veaches.

We had another letter from Claude yesterday. I quote from it. "Andy, did Dot enjoy the game? I don't see how she could have helped but enjoy it. I presume she is staying over tonight and going back home tomorrow -Monday." (How well he guessed!) "She surely is a wonderful girl". (Right again, Claude.) "There are few who would have sacrificed themselves for their Mother's sake as she has done. And I am glad she is making out so well with the business venture." Brother-in-law is a friend to Dot, apparently. At least he's anxious to help us along, but as I feel, we don't need a whole lot of help, do we?

It's 9:00 P.M. and I'm tired, (tho I didn't work so hard today). I'm going to turn in to try to dream about you. You had better sleep better, or Russ will be confirmed in his opinion that you're in love. I hope he's right.

I love you,

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