

Monday, May 19, 2014

December 8, 1926


My Sweetheart,

I have been keeping busy for the past week, with much on tap at the office, and with the little odd jobs, preparatory to moving, at home. The program now calls for us to move on Friday of this week. The walk to the porch in front of the house is not yet in, so you can imagine how muddy everything is. We are going to try the moving with boards etc over the mud. We think that we can stir the contractors into more activity by setting a date and going in.

The dog is called 'Jack', and is growing fast. He's a little rascal; behaves homself when left to himself, but chews anything if he can get someone to play with him.

Your letter was and was not surprising. I had hoped that you would say 'yes', but hardly expected you to go ahead at once. You have indeed, a fine brother, one who has without a doubt made many sacrifices. He is compensated by having an equally fine sister, one who has also sacrificed herself. I can only say that I believe it a wonderful thing for you to do, to help him get ready for K. That you are so attached to your family presages a wonderful attachment between us when I shall have become part of your family. I'm content to wait until Dot shall be ready. Remember, its all in her hands.

I'm in doubt as to how to approach a certain subject. I am planning a Christmas remembrance to my sweetheart, and I don't want her to know about it. I am not telling what it is, but if you'll take her to a jeweler and get the size of her third finger in the left hand - also please ascertain whether she prefers a diamond or another stone (birthstone?). The sooner I have this information, the better. Nuf ced.

You had better not plan on the folks being up for Christmas.  They had already invited Aunt Joe up from Cinty and would not like to withdraw the invitation. I had not thought it best to ask you to come here because I thought perhaps your family would have a reunion at that time. You are to be here for New Years day (start the year right), when my Commandary has a dinner dance scheduled. So plan accordingly. My Blue Lodge has a party on New Year's eve, too, so unless business is so good as to demand your presence there, you ought be free that night.

I am still anxious to call you my wife. I love you (little, etc.) I want you as soon as I can have you. When you can say "now", please don't hesitate long.


If this letter smells smoky, its because of a big fire that we're having just a square from here. We're choked up with the smoke. Traffic is shot to pieces. I do not know how much damage has been done. Two stores burning.


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